Whiskey Hell

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What was set to be a fun show took a grave turn when midway through Saturday reports of former President Trump being shot began being reported. We basically tossed out the whole doc for the day started looking at the early reports coming in. We had a ton of help this week from the Insiders. They started pulling news stories and videos immediatly. We already love our Insiders, but damn they were on fire.  

The Trump assasination news will evolve as the next week goes on. For now, you have our live reaction to everything that happened that day. We get into EU news and how the French elections went. Some bizar nudist vilgilanties and a lot more. Enjoy the show. 

Think Critically
Act Accordingly.






Trump Assasination Attempt

All the other stuff


EU Secret Deal

Trash Revolution CONGRATS TO NEW YORK!


MIrage is Closing
